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Painting and Painter


Said the portrait to its Painter: "My manifestation attests to Thine unbounded Skill"

And yet what a violation of justice it is that You should remain hid from my sight


The vision endowed to those that observe find it oppressive: See for yourself how the spark burnt itself out when it saw the world!

What aught is sight but sadness, gloom, feverishness and self-torment: Rest, or you ignorant (of the mysteries), upon report.

The Painting

What aught is report but the impotence of ratiocination and wisdom? Vision is the eternal springtide of life.

The hustle and the bustle of the present age does not permit one To express oneself melodiously.

The Painter

You do exist because the Perfection of My Art. Do not, then, feel cast out in disappointment with Him that has drawn you

I only put one condition if you wish to see Me: Never disappear from thine own sight.