The Sun's Ray
At the dawn when my eye was enjoying the panorama I saw that a ray of the sun was wandering about
I asked the ray, “O head to foot restlessness! What kind of restlessness your impatient life has!
Are you a small little lightning, which the sky Is nurturing to fall on the harvest of nations
Is this a flash, or your eternal nature, what is it? Is it a dance? wandering? seeking what is it?”
“A sea of tumults is asleep in my silent life My existence has been nurtured by the morning’s breeze
My destiny keeps me constantly restless Taste for enlightenment keeps me busy in seeking
I am not fire-brand lightning, though by nature fire I am Message of awakening from the worldilluminating sun I am!
Becoming collyrium I shall enter the human eye Whatever night had hidden I shall show to the eye
Among your ecstatics is there any seeker of prudence also? Among the sleeping people is anyone with taste of awakening also?”