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In the East principles are changed to religion But in the West they are changed into machines

We do not retain even one of them There one is changed into three


The girls are learning English The nation prosperity’s way has found

The ways of the West are in view Eastern ways sinful are found

What scenes will this drama produce? On curtain’s rising this will be found

The Sheikh also is not a supporter of women’s seclusion The college boys unnecessarily suspicious of him became

He clearly stated in the sermon yesterday “From whom would women be secluded if men women became”

O wise man! This is a matter of a few days only Neither you will be modest nor woman will seclusion want

That time is approaching when instead of children Votes for the council’s membership will she want

Western education is very encouraging Its first lesson is to brag sitting in the college

As only the purchasers inhabit India Afghans also bring assafoetida from their country

My condition is that I lick the toe of the boot She says “Beware do not be crawling on my carpet”

The camel is said to be a somewhat clumsy animal The cow is good as she has slender horns


The patient of civilization will not be cured by the goli For curing of the malady you should present him with pill

There was a time when in exchange for the teacher’s services One wanted that the gift of the heart he should present!

Times have changed so much that the pupil after the lesson Says to the teacher “You should present the bill”


We poor Easterners have been entangled in the West All crystal decanters are there, only an old earthen jar is here

All will be annihilated in this age except the one Who established in his ways and firm in his thought is

O Shaikh and Brahman do you listen to what people with insight say? Heaven from great heights has thrown down those nations

Who formerly had assemblies of affection with firm love Now under discussion is Urdu and Hindi or Dhibh and Jhatka

“The search, the witness and the thing witnessed are the same” If this saying of Ghalib is true there is no strangeness

O Shaikh! Have you heard something? What the temple’s people’s say to the Ka`bah’s people!

“We ask the Muslim with the disposition of a lover If you love the idols why is enmity with the Brahman?”


We have lost all material resources The thought of Judgment Day has gone also

The Shaikh was fighting for Endowment Acts Ask him if there is any property left for endowment also?


As I tried to commit suicide the Miss exclaimed “O lover! If you are civilized do not transgress the limits

Without courage or dagger suicide’s intention is strange Even granting your pain of failure has exceeded the limits”

I said, “O dear, give me some cash I shall hire some Afghan from the Frontier Province”


So naive were they not to appreciate the Arabs’ worth What they got was that assault and battery they escaped not

In the West camel is called ship of the desert The Turks made use of this fleet not


In India councils are a part of the government This is the start of our political perfection

We were always beggars, begging was our way The rich should now acquire the skill of “begging”


Membership of the Imperial council is not at all difficult Votes will be available; Will we be paid money also?

May God bless Mirza Ghalib, who has rightly said “We are prepared to live in Delhi, how shall we subsist”?


What will be a better proof of affection and fidelity With no love for you how intolerable will this cruelty be

Insistence is that in the ward committee I should also speak But I shall speak after guessing if the Collector agreeable with me will be

Obtain the testimonial, it will be of use for sons He is favorable now, later he may or may not be

Indians cannot find a place on the earth But the oceans’ bottom available may be

Like the insensitive boat we are subservient to orders We are bound to the bank or float as your desire may be


The Sheikh was giving a sermon on the mode of operation “The infidels of India are very hard working in business

Polytheists are those having trade relations with polytheists But our nation’s people are lacking in intelligence and sense

Unclean is the article touched by the infidel Should listen if Muslim’s ears are amenable to truth!

A drunkard was also present in the sermon’s assembly To whom such talks as those of the preacher were irksome

He said, “It is atrocious that in such restrictions Are imprisoned the dealings in articles of eating and drink”

I said, “There is no difficulty for you As in India Muslims also are liquor sellers!”