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The crown, the throne, and mighty arms By faqr are wrought these wonders all:In short, it is the chief of chiefs And king of other kings withal.

By means of learning mind and brain, No doubt, become refined and pure: Faqr makes the heart and gaze of man From earthly filth and dross secure.

Scholar and sage knowledge makes, But Christ and Moses by faqr are wrought: To faqr the road is fully known, Of road the scholar knows not aught.

The state of seeing faqr bestows, But knowledge makes on new rely: Rapture in faqr is virtue great, Whereas in knowledge sin so high.

One God there is that knowledge owns To other God faqr lays a claim: No god but He, I do proclaim, No god but He, I do proclaim.

On the whetting stone of faqr, When sword of Self gets sharp and bright, A single stroke by warrior bold Can out an army big to flight.

Within your clay, if there exist A heart alive and wide awake, The glass of sun and moon as well One look of yours forthwith can break.