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Dew‐drops glisten on flowers that bloom in the spring; The breeze, the jasmine, and the rose have failed To raise the tumult of joy and liveliness, For flowers here lack the spark and fire of life.


Reason makes the traveller sharp-sighted. What is reason? It is a lamp that lights up our path. The commotion raging inside the house— What does the traveller’s lamp know of it!


Give to the youth my sighs of dawn; Give wings to these eaglets again, This, dear Lord, is my only wish— That my insights should be shared by all!


Thy world the fish’s and the winged thing’s bower; My world a crying of the sunrise hour; In Thy world I am helpless and a slave; In my world is Thy kingdom and Thy power.


Due to Thy benevolence, I am not without merit, However, I am not a slave to a Tughral or a Sanjar; It is my nature to see the world as it is; But, in no case, am I the Cup of any Jamshid!