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Neither the Muslim nor his power survives; The Sufi has outlived his radiant soul;Ask God for the heart and soul of men of the past, Become a fakir, first, to regain thy power.


Selfhood in the world of men is prophethood; Selfhood in solitude is godliness; The earth, the heavens, the great empyrean, Are all within the range of selfhoodʹs power.


Distracted are thy eyes in myriad ways; Distracted is thy reason in many pursuits; Forsake not, O heart, thy morning sighs! Chanting His name, thou mayest save thy soul.


The beauty of mystic love is shaped in song; The majesty of mystic love is abandon; The peak of mystic love is Hyderʹs power; The decline of mystic love is Raziʹs word.


Where is the moving spirit of my life? The thunder-bolt, the harvest of my life? His place is in the solitude of the heart, But I know not the place of the heart within.