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Adam is received by the spirit of the Earth

Open thy eyes and look above, Look at the streak of dawn;

Look at the veiling of the vision; Look at the banishment unfair; Look at the battle of hope and fear.

Thine are the clouds, the rains, the skies, Thine are the winds, the storms,

The woods, the mountains, the rivers are thine; The world of the angels was a void; Look at the peopled earth, which is thine.

Thou wilt rule it like a king; The stars will gaze in wonder;

Thy vision will encompass the earth; Thy sighs will reach the heavens; Look at the power of thy pain and passion.

The spark in thee is a radiant sun; A new world lives in thee;

Thou carest not for a borrowed heaven; Thy life-blood has it concealed; Look at the reward of anguish and toil.

Thy lyre has an eternal plaintive string, Panting with the passion of love;

Thou guardest eternal secrets divine, And livest a life of obedient power; Look at the world as shaped by thy will.