The Wine Remaining Ghazal-24
A true lover does not differentiate Between the Ka‘bah and the idol house. The one is the Beloved’s privacy, The other His appearing publicly.
I am glad my grave has been built In the Harem’s own street. With my eyelashes I will dig A tunnel from the Ka‘bah to the idol house.
Better than any company In this world or the next Are a sagacious friend And two goblets of wine.
Here everyone has eyes And everyone a tongue. So in your company One story breeds another.
Who is He Who has launched A night attack on hearts, Who like a Turk has plundered A hundred cities of desire?
Where I roam in my mad pursuit The angel Gabriel is but small game. Come, O my manly courage, cast A lasso upon God Himself.
Iqbal has in the pulpit blurted out A secret that was not to be revealed. Well, he had issued forth still raw From the wine tavern’s privacy.